The World Bank was established after World War II to support reconstruction in Europe. Today, its mission is to reduce extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity around the world. The Bank provides loans, grants and technical assistance to countries and the private sector to reduce poverty in developing and transition countries. It has over 188 member countries and provides more than $30 billion annually for development-focused projects and policy prescriptions on a range of issues it believes will promote economic growth. These include but are not limited to: agriculture, trade policy, health, education, energy and mining.
World Bank Group
Tools for Activists: An Information and Advocacy Guide to the World Bank Group
What are the Main Entry Points for Civil Society to Engage with the World Bank Group?
Learn MoreOngoing Projects
Africa | Project
How is the World Bank supporting stakeholder engagement in a Development Policy Finance (DPF)...
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Latin America | Project
Is the World Bank incorporating universal access features and climate adaptability measures...
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Africa | Project
How is a World Bank roads project in Mozambique improving its prevention and mitigation of...
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Africa | Project
What Are the Impacts on Coastal Communities When a Deepwater Port Is Built on a Sandy Coast?
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Asia | Project
How can the World Bank protect children while responding to an emergency?
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Asia | Project
How can a World Bank road project in Nepal prevent child SEA/H?
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Latin America | Project
How are IFC and IDB Invest complying with the Performance Standards in their support of Pronaca?
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Africa | Project
How does the design of a BRT project in Ghana incorporate inclusive design standards and measures...
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Africa | Project
How is the World Bank strengthening social and child protection systems in Guinea?
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Africa | Project
How is the World Bank addressing SEA/H risk, stakeholder engagement, and disability inclusion...
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Africa | Project
How is the World Bank promoting sustainable livelihoods for persons with disabilities in Lesotho?
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Latin America | Project
Will a transport project in Bolivia implement lessons learned on preventing gender-based violence...
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Africa | Project
How can a cash transfer program be more inclusive of children?
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Africa | Project
How will the Kinshasa Multisector Development and Urban Resilience Project prevent and respond...
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Africa | Project
How can a social protection project in Nigeria incorporate child protection and inform the...
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Latin America | Project
How is the World Bank’s COVID-19 response in El Salvador supporting marginalized groups?
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Africa | Project
How is the World Bank supporting COVID-19 vaccine distribution in Liberia?
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Africa | Project
How can a World Bank project improve life for forest dependent communities while pursuing...
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Latin America | Project
Will Minerva Beef address the environmental and social impacts of cattle ranching in Brazil?
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Asia | Project
What is the impact of an irrigation project in Nepal on children?
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Africa | Project
How will Tanzania’s RISE project incorporate community engagement and inclusion?
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Latin America | Project
How could a new metro line lead to exclusion of persons with disabilities?
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Latin America | Project
How is the World Bank supporting Universal Accessibility in Peru?
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Africa | Project
How is the World Bank supporting an equitable vaccine distribution in The Gambia?
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Latin America | Project
How is the IFC complying with its Performance Standards in its support of Hidrovias do Brasil?
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Latin America | Project
How is El Salvador’s COVID-19 response supporting LGBTQI communities?
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Latin America | Project
How will a World Bank project promoting an agro-industrialization strategy benefit smallholder...
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Africa | Project
How is the World Bank promoting stakeholder engagement in Burkina Faso's COVID-19 response?
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Africa | Project
How is the Koboko-Yumbe-Moyo Road Project impacting marginalized groups?
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Africa | Project
How is the World Bank engaging stakeholders in the Gambia COVID-19 response project?
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Africa | Project
How is the World Bank responding to COVID-19 in Uganda?
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Africa | Project
How is maternal and child health in Uganda supported by the World Bank and Global Financing...
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Africa | Project
How is the World Bank implementing stakeholder engagement and including marginalized groups...
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Africa | Project
How has a World Bank-funded roadway in Uganda affected young women and girls in the area?
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Africa | Project
How is Liberia's COVID-19 response supporting marginalized groups?
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Asia | Project
How is Nepal including marginalized children and youth in its education system?
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Africa | Project
Do marginalized children in Lesotho benefit from a World Bank funded education project?
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Latin America | Project
How is the World Bank responding to COVID-19 in Guatemala?
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Asia | Project
How will the Philippines COVID-19 project incorporate stakeholder engagement and marginalized...
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Africa | Project
How can the World Bank make a water and sanitation project in Uganda disability inclusive?
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Middle East and North Africa | Project
What will be the impact of this roads project for Lebanese and Syrians living in Lebanon?
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Middle East and North Africa | Project
The Bisri Dam aims to bring potable water to Lebanon's largest city, but at what cost?
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Middle East and North Africa | Project
Greater Beirut Water Supply Project
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Middle East and North Africa | Project
Will an education program in Lebanon promote inclusion of refugees and children with disabilities?
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Africa | Project
Can a new coal plant solve South Africa's energy problems?
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Europe & Central Asia | Project
How will the Oyu Tolgoi mine in Mongolia's Gobi desert affect nomadic herders' access to water?
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Europe & Central Asia | Project
How will dams on the Selenge and Orkhon River in Mongolia affect a UNESCO World Heritage Site?
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Europe & Central Asia | Project
How deeply can an agricultural project affect child rights?
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Latin America | Project
Land management and territorial development planning in Colombia is important. But whose land...
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Latin America | Project
Learn about why upgrading the Ixiamas-San Buenaventura road is about more than just a road...
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Middle East and North Africa | Project
Will a household natural gas connections project in Egypt benefit communities?
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Asia | Project
How has a power plant in Gujarat affected local fishermen?
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Africa | Project
How can CSO engagement in the GFF Multi-Stakeholder Country Platform improve lives of marginalized...
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Asia | Project
How is the Global Financing Facility supporting communities in Cambodia?
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Asia | Project
How will a new capital city in India affect agricultural laborers?
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Asia | Project
How will an urban development project in the Philippines affect people with disabilities?
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Latin America
Related Resources
How Can the World Bank Integrate Climate Action and Disability Inclusion in Transport?
Open Letter to Bank President Banga on DPF
How can the World Bank improve climate resilience and universal access in reconstruction projects?
BIC's IDA21 Priorities
Vietnam Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) Review: A Resilient Net Zero Pathway Is Proposed. How Can It Be Achieved?
Do the Needs of a Disaster Recovery Project Remain the Same Five Years Later?
How Do World Bank Social Protection Projects Include and Support Marginalized Groups?
Child Rights Toolkit - Spanish
Inactive Projects
Africa | Project
How is the Kipoi Mine Expansion affecting the local community and environment?
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Latin America | Project
How is the REDD+ Emissions Reduction Program in Peru addressing the needs of Indigenous communities?
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Middle East and North Africa | Project
How will a natural gas-fired power plant northwest of Cairo affect farmers' access to water?
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Europe & Central Asia | Project
Kosovo Energy
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Asia | Project
How does financing for energy in India affect climate change?
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Middle East and North Africa | Project
Yemen’s Program Document Translation Case
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Asia | Project
Water Resources Sector Adjustment Loan (WATSAL)
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