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Our campaigns are organized by social, economic, and environmental issues we seek to address. Each campaign includes information sharing and capacity building, project monitoring, and policy reform of the international financial institutions (IFIs).

Child Rights

BIC's Child Rights Campaign advocates for strengthening IFI policies and programs to better identify and address harm to children in the development process. The campaign also aims to open more space and opportunity for children and youth to participate in and influence the development process. As the World Bank and other IFIs have recognized, ending poverty must begin with children and ensuring their protection and inclusion in the development process is the only way for IFIs to achieve their goals.

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BIC welcomes the swift response by Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) to the crisis caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic. We encourage these institutions to maintain robust standards of transparency and accountability, seek innovative ways to engage with communities, and manage the environmental and social risks associated with their programs. These institutions should focus on laying a foundation for a strong global recovery that advances a resilient, low-carbon future emphasizing environmental and social justice for all. BIC is tracking the World Bank's COVID-19 response in our Projects Repository.

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Disability Rights

BIC’s Disability Rights Campaign partners with disabled persons’ organizations (DPOs) and civil society organizations (CSOs) to advocate to the World Bank and other International Financial Institutions (IFIs) to ensure full access to project benefits for persons with disabilities. We work to systematically include disability in World Bank and other IFI operations so that the needs and rights of persons with disabilities are supported and fulfilled.

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Environment & Climate

BIC’s Environment and Climate Campaign focuses on promoting development finance that advances agreed international environmental goals & standards and ecological & social justice, especially with respect to forests and climate. We do this by ensuring International Financial Institutions (IFIs) meet their environmental commitments, are transparent as to their environmental and human impacts, and that these impacts benefit people and respect their rights & the value of the ecosystems they depend on. We focus particularly in supporting Indigenous People and local communities in their roles as forest stewards.

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Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

BIC's SOGI Campaign promotes stronger protections for gender and sexual minorities and works to achieve key institutional changes at the IFIs that ensure a more inclusive approach to gender as well as sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI). Gender and sexual minorities face discrimination, human rights abuses and frequent exclusion from the positive benefits of economic development. Without strong policies and practices in place to ensure their protection and inclusion, IFIs risk excluding these individuals—often some of the poorest and most marginalized—from benefitting from development and even reinforcing or creating new inequalities in borrowing countries.

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Stakeholder Engagement

BIC's Stakeholder Engagement Campaign pushes for increased and more meaningful opportunities for civil society and communities to have a voice in the development process. We advocate for greater transparency and public access to information about development projects financed by International Financial Institutions (IFIs), involvement of those who will be directly impacted by development projects in their design and implementation, upstream opportunities for civil society to feed into development planning processes and institutional policies, and opportunities for redress and accountability when people or the environment are harmed in the development process.

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Looking for the IFI Working Group?

BIC co-chairs the IFI Working Group and administers their website.