Navigated to Latin America

Latin America

Since 1992, BIC has worked with communities affected by projects funded by international finance institutions (IFIs) in Latin America. Our program partners with civil society organizations in the region to monitor and influence IFI projects and policies. We seek to ensure that IFI policy commitments, including on access to information, free prior and informed consent (FPIC), and protection of forests and biodiversity are upheld on the ground. We support local communities in connecting with IFI decision makers to voice their concerns and asserting their role in monitoring the environmental and social impacts of IFI investments.

Related Institutions: Inter-American Development Bank, World Bank Group

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What is Latinomérica Sustentable?

Latinoamérica Sustentable is a project hosted by the Bank Information Center (BIC) in Washington, DC.

Learn more about Latinomérica Sustentable

For more information, please contact our Consultant for Latin America

Carolina Juaneda

+1 (202) 624-0622

Ongoing Projects

Latin America | Project

What are the Impacts of Industrial Animal Agriculture on Indigenous Communities in Guatemala?

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Latin America | Project

How is an IDB water project in El Salvador addressing climate resilience and improving access...

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Latin America | Project

Pulp Fiction: What is Sustainable about the World Bank’s “Scaling Up Financing for Sustainable...

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Latin America | Project

How has the IDB’s Land Regularization project impacted Indigenous communities and the environment...

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Latin America | Project

How can the World Bank support the development of a socially and environmentally sustainable...

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Latin America | Project

How is IDB Invest’s funding of Paracel’s Kraft pulp mill endangering Indigenous communities...

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Latin America | Project

How will the IDB support construction of a metro line that is accessible for persons with...

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Latin America | Project

Is the World Bank incorporating universal access features and climate adaptability measures...

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Latin America | Project

What are the impacts of a lithium mining project in Argentina?

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Latin America | Project

How are IFC and IDB Invest complying with the Performance Standards in their support of Pronaca?

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Latin America | Project

How does the World Bank's project to enhance efficiency and climate resilience in El Salvador's...

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Latin America | Project

Will a transport project in Bolivia implement lessons learned on preventing gender-based violence...

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Latin America | Project

How can the IDB improve the Biobusiness project in the Peruvian Amazon?

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Latin America | Project

How is the World Bank’s COVID-19 response in El Salvador supporting marginalized groups? 

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Latin America | Project

Will Minerva Beef address the environmental and social impacts of cattle ranching in Brazil?

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Latin America | Project

How will a major hotel development in a sensitive coastal area affect Indigenous communities...

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Latin America | Project

Should the IDB Invest finance the TRECSA Guatemala Green Transmission Line?

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Latin America | Project

How could a new metro line lead to exclusion of persons with disabilities?

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Latin America | Project

How will an IDB electricity program impact IP and mangroves in Honduras?

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Latin America | Project

How is the World Bank supporting Universal Accessibility in Peru?

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Latin America | Project

How can the projects under SCI improve access to project benefits?

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Latin America | Project

How is the IDB COVID-19 response engaging LGBTQI individuals in El Salvador? 

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Latin America | Project

How is the IFC complying with its Performance Standards in its support of Hidrovias do Brasil?

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Latin America | Project

How is El Salvador’s COVID-19 response supporting LGBTQI communities?

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Latin America | Project

How will a World Bank project promoting an agro-industrialization strategy benefit smallholder...

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Latin America | Project

How is the World Bank responding to COVID-19 in Guatemala?

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Latin America | Project

How can Peru make sure its most marginalized citizens get equal access to the justice system?

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Latin America | Project

Land management and territorial development planning in Colombia is important. But whose land...

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Latin America | Project

Learn about why upgrading the Ixiamas-San Buenaventura road is about more than just a road...

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Looking for the IFI Working Group?

BIC co-chairs the IFI Working Group and administers their website.