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Central Sulawesi Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project

The 2018 Sulawesi Earthquake devastated central Sulawesi island, killing thousands and leaving many more homeless following tsunamis, mudslides, and soil liquefaction. The reduction in housing supply and functioning public facilities has resulted in a massive population of displaced persons in refugee camps with limited access to basic services. 

The World Bank sees the Central Sulawesi Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project (CSRRP), implemented by the Indonesia Ministry of Public Works and Housing, as critical to helping those displaced by the earthquake and preventing similar devastation and loss of life in future natural disasters. According to project documents, the project’s goal is to produce 8,000 units of housing for displaced persons, designed to withstand future earthquakes and other natural disasters. Additionally,  the Bank is engaged in similar reconstruction efforts for public facilities as well as rehabilitating those facilities that were not destroyed.

Since January 2020, BIC and partners based in Palu, Central Sulawesi, have monitored this project. Some of the key findings and recommendations from the monitoring were regarding significant delays in housing construction, deterioration of camps that Disaster Affected Persons (DAPs) were living in, lack of communication and consultations between various stakeholders, including implementation agencies, civil society, DAPs and the World Bank. These issues remain to date, and BIC is supporting partners in Palu in continuing their monitoring work. 

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