BIC's Child Rights Campaign advocates for strengthening IFI policies and programs to better identify and address harm to children in the development process. The campaign also aims to open more space and opportunity for children and youth to participate in and influence the development process. As the World Bank and other IFIs have recognized, ending poverty must begin with children and ensuring their protection and inclusion in the development process is the only way for IFIs to achieve their goals.
Child Rights
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Africa | Project
How is a World Bank roads project in Mozambique improving its prevention and mitigation of...
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Africa | Project
How is the African Development Bank addressing SEAH/GBV and other social and environmental...
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Asia | Project
How can the World Bank protect children while responding to an emergency?
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Asia | Project
How can a World Bank road project in Nepal prevent child SEA/H?
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Africa | Project
How is the AfDB implementing the Integrated Safeguards System (ISS) in an agricultural project...
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Africa | Project
How is the World Bank strengthening social and child protection systems in Guinea?
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Africa | Project
How is the AfDB addressing social risks in a high risk infrastructure project in Kenya?
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Africa | Project
How can a cash transfer program be more inclusive of children?
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Africa | Project
How will the Kinshasa Multisector Development and Urban Resilience Project prevent and respond...
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Asia | Project
What is the impact of an irrigation project in Nepal on children?
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Africa | Project
How has a World Bank-funded roadway in Uganda affected young women and girls in the area?
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Europe & Central Asia | Project
How deeply can an agricultural project affect child rights?
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Latin America | Project
Will a transport project in Bolivia implement lessons learned on preventing gender-based violence...
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Africa | Project
How can a social protection project in Nigeria incorporate child protection and inform the...
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Africa | Project
Do marginalized children in Lesotho benefit from a World Bank funded education project?
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Africa | Project
How does a water and sanitation project impact marginalized groups?
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Middle East and North Africa | Project
Will a Moroccan cash transfer project reach marginalized groups and enhance child protection?
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Africa | Project
How is the Koboko-Yumbe-Moyo Road Project impacting marginalized groups?
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Africa | Project
How is the AfDB's Kampala-Jinja Expressway affecting people and the environment?
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Asia | Project
How is Nepal including marginalized children and youth in its education system?
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How can the World Bank mainstream child SEA/H prevention into its...
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Related Resources
How is the AfDB addressing social risks in a high risk infrastructure project in Kenya?
Child Rights Toolkit - Spanish
Child Rights Toolkit - French
Child Rights Toolkit - English
Demanding Accountability: Joint Statement in Response to Reports of a Child Sexual Abuse Cover Up at the World Bank
Opportunities to Strengthen the Child Protection System in Guinea
Submission on the Role of Multilateral Development Banks and other International Financial Institutions in upholding child rights in the context of the upcoming General Comment No. 26
Policy Brief: Addressing SEA/H in Large Infrastructure Projects